Barbemac's Golden Eagle x Ch Barbemac Sweetcherrywine ML 6/06/2001 - 2/25/2016
Tasha is a dream come true, a standard in a mini body. We met her
at a puppy match, where Mary Sue Barnum offered her to us & we
about fainted. Tasha came to Indiana in July & went to her first show 6
weeks later, taking BOV over a Special.
Tasha never stopped from that day on. She finished quickly with her
solid topline, great movement & in your face personality. Tasha was
only able to give us 1 little girl. At the age of 4, she blew a disc in her
back. Although Tasha had surgery & is able walk today, her show
career was shortened much too soon. Tasha graced us each day
with her gravely little voice ruling our house & keeping all the
youngsters in line.